The best way to get a better understanding of Buddy Baseball is to hear directly from the players’ families. Here’s what our Buddy Baseball fans have to say:
“We chose to play Buddy Baseball for our son to feel accepted and included in community, make friends, learn an organized team sport in an environment that was all about camaraderie.”
“My child does not have the confidence or ability to play with kids his own age that are typical. This gave my child a chance to play where he felt like he could succeed.”
“This is the best activity we’ve ever done! My daughter has benefited so much. The progress she’s made is a joy to see.
“We really needed something where my daughter could fit in and not be treated unkindly or cruelly. This was perfect for her, because all the parents and coaches embraced and encouraged every child. She learned to take instruction, to listen, to interact, etc.”
“I was excited to get my son in a program with others like himself to feel comfortable in a safe and supportive environment to give him the courage to attempt something new!”
“I love the non-competitive nature. This is a great opportunity to give your child independence. Relax, enjoy the game and you’ll be surprised at what your child can accomplish!”
“This is the first time our son has been successful in an organized sports program.”
“My son considers the Game Ball he got as his “most prized possession!””
“This was the most organized activity I think we’ve ever participated in!”
“This league has been such a terrific experience for our entire family.
“We wanted a league that was accommodating to older kids with beginner-type sports skills, this was it.”
“This has helped my daughter with her self-esteem, with her making friends who accept her just as she is, and as an added benefit, the friendships the parents have formed with each other is something for which I am so grateful!”
“This experience has been life changing for us!”
“I am not sure who had more fun, the parents or the kids!!”
“The best benefit from my child attending this program was to see how proud he was to run up and get his trophy! He ran up there and knew he had done something special!!”
“This has been a great way to keep my son physically active and allow him to practice social and teamwork skills. It has been a great opportunity for him and our entire family.”
“This program provided more joy and pride for our entire family.”
“My daughter’s buddy was awesome! They hit it off at the Meet & Greet and were just wonderful together all through the season!”
“Our son’s favorite thing about Buddy Baseball was “having a buddy.”
“We really have a great buddy for our son, he was so patient and attentive to our son’s needs. He also understood his limitations as well.”